Aftermarket online service:
BASCOLIN ELEMENTS X170S & 2418455165
In the market,there are various brand for diesel injection pump plunger,such as BOSCH,DENSO,ZEXEL,DELPHI,MOTORPAL,
BASCOLIN,CATERPILLAR,etc.Different brand has its own advantage and specialty.Take BASCOLIN brand for example,it's well-known for its durable,
reliable and stability.Its advantage is competitive price with original equipment standard in quality,compared to top brand BOSCH.You might find some interesting phenomenon in some Africa countries,such as Tanzania.Most of the elements X170S and 2 418 455 165 are supplied in the name of BASCOLIN.
What if your rival asked you which brand is most recognized in Tanzania.BASCOLIN will be second to none.
If you find some more time in research,there are many more BASCOLIN parts on popular,nozzle DLLA155P180,DLLA147P538,DLLA155P230,etc.
Global pioneer of overall solution in diesel systems always here to help you.